How did a little girl born in poverty of a 15 year old mother and a father who was almost twice her age and with a very sketchy past get to this spot in life of wondrous anticipation? Well, the truth of it is that is was hard, required a lot of determination to NOT be what I saw all around me. There just had to be more. There is more, every step of the way, there is simply more if you reach and if your hand gets smacked you reach again.
Not to ramble about with this blog thing but perhaps I should say what wondrous thing is going on. I retired, my husband is about to retire and we are going to Europe for at least 6 months to wander around, learn, see, meet, experience, reach for more. Tomorrow we buy the tickets.
It is a big step. We will rent out our home, we aren't going on an organized tour, we do know our first couple of locations but after that we will methodically find together the things we have read about all of our lives. Oh, I forgot to mention we are taking our beloved little Shih Tzu. We have been talking of this trip for 5 years and planning it for the last year. Did I mention tomorrow we buy the tickets?
There is a lot of planning and research that goes into a trip like this and the 'next' people we are becoming. This blog is just one example. This week I will link all of the key resources that we have been using to give us our high degree of confidence to travel vicariously.